Meet You At The Altar

I am not the marrying at first sight kind but I love watching the show!

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue
I am marrying a stranger and so are YOU!
These were the vows Sonia said to her Married At First Sight husband Nick. Yes it’s that time again the show that confounds and fascinates us is back for it’s fourth season.

33,000 people signed up for MAFS and according to the producers of the show ‘it’s America’s most controversial social experiment’. Every person goes through a questionnaire consisting of 400 questions then its on to the background checks and in depth 1 on 1 interviews. I’ve got to be honest all of this filtering sounds pretty good to me! I also like that this show and the drastic measures taken by the couples illustrates that contrary to popular belief and several blogs (lol!) marriage is NOT dead.+

But according to Pastor Calvin Roberson one of the expert matchmakers the goal of MAFS is not just to be married but to be HAPPILY married.

Having watched all three previous seasons I couldn’t help but notice that all the Miami couples found their match attractive. Luckily that means that the Jamie and Doug wedding will remain the most awkward of the series. The weddings are one of the highlights of the show and The Lillian and Tom wedding was full of laughs and a LOT of kisses. My favorite moment was when Tom came to Lillian’s side when her big sister was grilling her about the wedding party.

Out of all the people on the cast this season Heather is the most cautious but her reserve does not necessarily mean she doesn’t want a serious relationship. When during her vows she promised, “today we move from I to we.” I believed she was sincere. Derek the man they paired her with is clearly in love with his mother but I do believe there’s room in his heart for a wife. The one couple I can’t figure out is Sonia and Nick my Mom says this match is going to go down in flames but that might be the bitterness from the last two disastrous seasons talking.

I can’t say which couple is going to make it but I bet Lillian & Tom have a real chance to have a lasting commitment.
The next episode is all about the honeymoon and all the drama and hysterics that comes along with marrying a stranger! (lol) In the buffet of reality shows constantly airing on television this is one of the strangest and most thought provoking. Be sure to watch on Tuesday 8/10 at 8:30Pm on FYI.

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