The first words that come to mind when I think of The Batman is gritty city scope with some heartfelt tones of emotional intensity. Most of these descriptors come from the music composed for the film, it’s industrial, dark goth and has a little bit of tango in it….
The sounds created for The Batman are an excellent execution of violence and tension, and are perfect for the film. The Batman theme itself feels very much like the story of one singular and unique man and it’s both quiet and also very, very Loud. The music in the movie also does a great job of integrating atmospheric sounds. These moments of realism really work juxtaposed against the big themes of the violin sequences. This vision of the mythical Gotham city sounds like a busy intersection in midtown and of the subway at midnight, the gloomy and dangerous docks and the rampant quiet despair of Millions of city dwellers.
The composer seems to have found a way to interpret the ever present dread of the everyday citizen of a decaying urban landscape. The creeping suspicion that you may be in danger at any moment. In Gotham that fear is a potent reality and Michael Giacchino brilliantly encompases that. It’s a bold take on city living through music. I truly salute his new vision of an old idea. Since the first film noir, composers have been trying to capture the feel, grit and foreboding of city life here it is in all of its dark glory.

The Batman score not only supports the movie, it stands alone as its own achievement. I must admit there’s a Godfather vibe to this score, I can’t pinpoint the exact sequence of notes but I swear it’s there. Listening to the score you can actually get a sense of the underground world slowly being exposed moment to moment.
My favorite tracks are The Batman, It’s Raining Vengeance, Can’t Fight City Halloween, and Funeral and Far Between, i adored this piece; it’s moody, moving and heartfelt. One of the best is Sonata in Darkness, not only is this a bold concept, it’s evocative and moving. It feels very significant and dramatic as though it’s an important line of dialogue or a soliloquy. Months after the film premiered and I’m still listening to this epic track. Finally there’s Highway to the Anger Zone, this one is so good, it’s big and so cinematic, this one belongs in a movie trailer and it’s gorgeous.
My final thoughts can be summed up in the words of Carl Roberts a writer and film reviewer for the movie and pop culture blog, when he stated, “The score has a terrific hint of mystery to it and has that old feeling of classic detective thrillers.”